Tuesday 21 June 2011

Raise your expectations of what is possible

UR Swingers  + Adult Dating
Here are some tips on how to attract a woman that can help an average guy to attract and date sexy women:
1.  Raise your expectations of what is possible.
One of the most disappointing things for me to see,  is when a guy sees a good looking girl in a club,  a bar,  or wherever, and he automatically thinks that she is out of reach for him.  I like to hit the clubs with a lot of my old friends,  and most of them seem to have this kind of thinking.  You give them a nudge and tell them to approach a woman they have their eye on,  and they come up with a million excuses of why they will end up getting rejected.  All that rationalizing does is make it come true.  See,  once you start rationalizing like that,  then you will NEVER even approach a woman you think is attractive,  and that will be the reason why you have to settle.
2.  Have better conversation skills than the next guy.
Most regular guys can level the playing field just by learning how to talk to women.  See,  most guys,  even a lot of the ones that seem to be good with women,  kind of suck at the whole conversation thing.  If you can talk to a woman,  and make her hang on every word,  then getting a date with her is actually pretty easy.  What happens to most guys is,  they launch into some really boring conversation about everyday things,  and they don't have anything that "hooks" her attention.  In her mind,  she is just waiting for the conversation to get over.  If you are one of the guys that DOES know how to talk to a woman,  then you immediately separate yourself from the pack.
3.  Learn to cut loose and have a good time.
Want to know the easiest way to lose a woman's attraction in a heartbeat?  Get all uptight and awkward and nervous when you are around her.  The more you seem like you are uncomfortable around a woman,  the more she is going to want to get away from you.  That kind of feeling kind of becomes contagious,  and you do not want that to happen.  Now,  if you are loose and enjoying yourself,  that becomes hard to resist for a woman.

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